Five Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor
1) Motor vehicle accident
Getting into a car accident can often be a stressful event especially if a friend or loved one is involved and may become injured. For patient ease, Chiropractic treatment is covered by ICBC, no out of pocket expenses and no medical doctor note is required so patients can enjoy immediate treatment with proven results.
2) Poor posture
Are you finding yourself stuck on a computer most days or looking down at your phone? The term “text neck” has been coined by some and said to be an “epidemic , or at least very common” accordingly to Dr. Hansraj (chief of spine surgery at New York spine Surgery center). Through gentle adjustments and soft tissue therapy such as Active Release Technique, Chiropractic can help restore proper neck function and eliminate “text Neck”.
3) Headaches
Suffer from headaches? You are not alone, 65-75% of people in Canada will experience a headache sometime in their lifetime (Manzoni & Stovener, 2010). Some will be occasional, some frequent, some dull and achy and sharp and stabbing resulting in debilitating pain. With over 200 sub- types of diagnosed headaches the most frequent used therapy is over the counter medication. However, according to research, regular Chiropractic adjustments have demonstrated immediate improvement for headaches and have significantly fewer side effects and longer lasting relief of tension type headaches than Tylenol or advil.
4) Low back pain
Low back pain effects 80% of people at some point in their lives. In Canada it is the most common cause of disability, a leading contributor to missed work, and the second most common neurological ailment. Burnaby Chiropractors are able to asses, diagnose and treat low back pain successfully and get you back to life.
5) Regular maintenance
Once the pain subsides and misalignments of the spine are corrected the final stage of care is regular spinal maintenance that ensures that the integrity of the spine is being sustained and supported. Because regular activities put biomechanical strain on our bodies, patients often schedule regular appointments to monitor the health and condition of their spine. Regular chiropractic adjustments will help insure you are living at your optimum level of health and function.
Related Information on Chiropractic Treatments
ICBC Chiropractic Clinic in Burnany BC
Got Headaches? Chiropractic can help
Motor vehicle accidents & whiplash: How Chiropractic can help
Upper Cross Syndrome – Pains of an Office Worker
Chiropractic Care at Burnaby PhysioCare
This post is by our Chiropractor, Dr. Caolan Teasdale, at Absolute PhysioCare & Sports Rehab in Burnaby, B.C.
If you have any questions feel free to contact any of our highly qualified chiropractors and physiotherapists. Contact us today to book a chiropractic assessment, call us at 604-558-CARE (2273) or click here to get in touch with us!