Running Specialist Physio Burnaby BC


Are you looking to improve your running performance (speed, stride, stamina, etc.) and/or address persistent discomfort experienced while on the track or course? Absolute PhysioCare’s specialized running assessment service is designed to provide comprehensive insights and personalized guidance tailored to your individual needs. Our running specialist physio program will put you on the path to peak performance!

What is a Running Assessment?

Our running assessment involves a thorough evaluation to understand your unique biomechanics, identify areas of weakness or injury, and optimize your running technique and training plan. This comprehensive process includes:

  • Subjective History: We delve into your running history, training program, goals, and any past/current injuries or areas of weakness.
  • Physical Exam: We conduct a detailed physical examination to assess your musculoskeletal health and identify any imbalances, limitations, or present injuries. 
  • Strength Capacity Testing: We evaluate your strength of key muscle groups to determine areas that may require improvement and targeted strengthening.
  • Video Gait Analysis: We analyze your running gait to identify biomechanical inefficiencies that may be contributing to your discomfort or reducing your running economy. 

What to Expect

During your running assessment session, expect to be actively engaged. Please come prepared with a pair of shorts and running shoes. You will participate in strength capacity testing and undergo a running assessment, which will elevate your heart rate and get you sweating! 

Benefits of a Running Assessment

  • Enhanced Performance: Identify and address biomechanical inefficiencies to optimize your running technique and improve performance.
  • Injury Management & Prevention: Pinpoint specific areas of weakness or injury risk and receive targeted interventions to mitigate these risks.
  • Personalized Guidance: Receive tailored advice on running specific exercise programs, load management strategies, and footwear recommendations to support your running goals and overall musculoskeletal health.

Target Population

Our running assessment service caters to individuals of all levels, from novice runners to seasoned athletes. Whether you’re aiming to enhance your performance, prevent injuries, or overcome persistent discomfort, our specialized approach is tailored to meet your unique needs.

Take the first step towards maximizing your running potential and book your assessment with us today! 


Our highly qualified therapists are committed to listening to your needs and providing one on one care in order for you to feel your best!

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