Your calendar is about to be wide open with zero injuries to get in your way…
2021 is upon us and you have your new year resolutions set. However, most of them will be sidelined if you sustain in injury in the weeks or months ahead. So it seems that one resolution should top them all – the goal to have an injury-free year. Physiotherapy is instrumental to achieving this worthy goal – here’s how.
3 Practical Ways Physiotherapy Will Help You Enjoy an Injury-Free Year in 2021 and Beyond
Will Repair and Rehabilitate the Injuries You Know About
This is the most logical reason for seeing a physiotherapist in the first week (or whenever you read this) of the new year. As soon as your initial consultation is complete, your physiotherapist will put you on the path to recovery from any physical pain and/or malfunction that you currently live with today. Drawing from a deep well of services (i.e. chiropractic, manual therapy, etc.) they will initiate and help you maintain a rehabilitation regime that no DIY efforts could ever emulate.
Simply put, you won’t experience an injury-free year by starting the annum with one in the first place. Keep reading.
Will Identify an Underlying Injury You Didn’t Know About
Many people are already living with an injury in some shape or form, that has not yet exhibited debilitating symptoms. There is a very reasonable chance that you are one of these people.
Eventually the symptoms of an underlying injury become evident, which puzzles you given that you cannot identify a recent event that caused the pain or malfunction. The lack of an identifiable event (a workout gone wrong, a fall at work, etc.) may cause you to shrug it off which compounds the problem even further. As the year progresses the injury and its symptoms become worse, further sidelining you from the goals you wish to reach.
You have heard about such a thing when it comes to latent soft tissue injuries sustained after automobile accidents, but the phenomenon is not exclude to motor vehicle events.
What can you do to identify these underlying concerns? Receive an assessment from a physiotherapist.
A physiotherapist will conduct a literal head-to-toe assessment and work with you to identify existing, or tangible potential for, a number of soft tissue ailments that could become major issues as the weeks and months of 2021 unfold.
If you truly want an injury-free year this initial consultation and assessment is downright essential.
Will Prescribe a Injury-Prevention Program to Live By
Some of you may already be injury-free, but vulnerable to a number of eventualities that are born from a lack of physical preparedness. For example, you may be employing the wrong form at work, be you a “warehouse” or office worker. Alternatively you may not have adequate core fitness to participate in sports or other recreational activities. Or, the simple manner of the way you walk could be setting the table for imbalance that could lead to slips, trips, or falls that could leave you “on the bench” for much of the year ahead. Most people are surprised to find that even though they have lived injury-free for quite some time, that they are primed for injury in the very near future. The only way to find out if you’re among them, is to see a physiotherapist for a complete assessment.
A physiotherapist will then correct the way you move and use your body. In addition, they will prescribe a regime of exercises, stretches, and movements that will be instrumental in keeping you from experiencing an injury at work and at the gym, track, court, or field.
Enjoy an injury-free 2021 by scheduling a consultation at our Burnaby BC clinic today.