Last week we provided readers with an article on why to see a physiotherapist before beginning the new year in the gym. But some of you plan to fulfill your resolution to get in better shape by working out in the great outdoors. While this is certainly a great idea, it is also highly recommended that you consult with a physiotherapist first. Here’s why.
3 Reasons to Consult With a Physiotherapist Before Embarking On Your New Year Goal to Get in Shape by Working Out, Outdoors
1. The Same Reasons for Gym Members
Before we get to the unique reasons for outdoor fitness buffs to see a physiotherapist we must first address the rationale for gym members to do the same:
- Ensures that you don’t aggravate an existing injury
- Ensures that you use proper form for preventing injury
- A physiotherapist will vet your fitness trainer provided program (many trainers provide outdoor workout plans too)
For more insight into these points, view the complete article here.
2. Outdoor “Facilities” Are Inherently Risky
Outdoor workouts involve the use of structures and installations at local parks, high school tracks, and other municipal and/or commercial lots. These are essentially your outdoor fitness “facilities”. You may also bring along weights (dumbbells, kettle balls, etc.) and other items to use in DIY resistance training.
But without access to leveled platforms, uniform equipment, and mirrors to monitor your form there is a significant risk of poor weight distribution. This will lead to imbalance and subsequent injury to various muscles, joints, and ligaments and ultimately injury and chronic pain.
By consulting with a physiotherapist before beginning (or continuing with) your program you will learn proper biomechanics for exercising in an inherently imperfect (for weight distribution) environment.
3. Get Explicit Guidance for Specific Outdoor Activities
Those who intend to leverage the great outdoors to get in shape aren’t necessarily mimicking gym workouts by using park and track structures and installations (i.e. monkey bars, etc.). Many of you instead plan to increase participation in common outdoor activities, such as jogging, hiking, cycling, paddling, golf, tennis, and so much more. Thanks to the fact that we live in the Burnaby, Greater Vancouver area the possibilities are boundless.
There is a huge advantage in seeing a physiotherapist before taking on these sorts of outdoor activities. They (your physiotherapist) will not only assess the readiness of your biomechanics for effective and injury-free participation, they will provide a regime of supplementary movements, stretches, and exercises for greater performance and results. We have already provided dedicated guides on many of the popular outdoor activities (to Burnaby and Greater Vancouver) which you can reference here:
- Physiotherapy for jogging
- Physiotherapy for hiking
- Physiotherapy for tennis
- Physiotherapy for golfers
- Physiotherapy for cycling
- Physiotherapy for swimming
- Physiotherapy for paddling
- Physiotherapy for kayaking
- Physiotherapy for rock climbing
Long story short, whether you plan on getting in shape in the gym, outdoors, or some combination of both (most recommended) you increase the odds of success (and injury prevention) when you have a physiotherapist at your side. If you live in the Burnaby and Greater Vancouver area call 604.558.2273 to schedule a consultation.