Benefits of Physio | Thanksgiving Edition!

Before we dive into turkey (or faux-turkey) dinner with friends, family, and loved ones this evening, we wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude to our clients – past, present, and future. Absolute PhysioCare would not be what we are without them all – you included! From here, we now switch focus to those who remain on the fence about making physiotherapy a part of their normal health and wellness regime. You may have found this article because you went online and searched for information about the “benefits of physio” to help you make your decision. This is exactly what we plan on answering for you today. Here is a brief yet accurate look at why thousands of households throughout Greater Vancouver are thankful for the impact that physiotherapy has made on their lives, and why you will be too.

5 Heartfelt Reasons to be Thankful for Physiotherapy

I. It Will Help You Live Injury-Free

For many, this is the number one application for physiotherapy. Whether you have recently sustained an injury and/or are in need of post-surgery rehabilitation, physio is the key to becoming whole again. More importantly, regular physiotherapy will help keep old injuries from returning, and mitigate the risk of others. The latter is really the key, as physio provides the best “medicine” against injury and the chronic or acute pains to follow – prevention!

II. It Will Make You More Productive in Your Career

One very practical application of living an injury-free existence is that you will experience a boost in physical performance in your workplace. But physio’s ability in this capacity expands beyond that, by directly addressing non-acute ailments commonly experienced in “the office” such as lower back pain, chronic headaches, hand and wrist pain from excessive typing, and more. Learn more about how physio makes you more productive in your career, and how companies are taking notice by integrating physiotherapy into their corporate health programs.

III. It Will Enhance Your Performance in Activities and Athletics

As one of Greater Vancouver’s top sports injury rehabilitation clinics, we can testify to the fact that regular physio will most certainly help you perform better in the activities and athletics that you partake in. And by no means do you have to be on a team or in a league to reap this benefit, as you know as well as anyone that the person you compete against most – is the one in the mirror. Whether you want to improve your running time around the Vancouver sea wall, catch more waves in Tofino, stay under par on the course, or claim game, set, and match on nearly every outing at the club – physiotherapy is the key.

IV. It Will Improve Your Mood and Emotional Well Being

Many consider only the physical benefits of physiotherapy. However, by performing better in your career, sports, and activities while remaining injury-free you will experience a sustainable boost in your mood and emotional well being. But it spans even further than this reward. Studies have shown that certain therapies can be employed to reduce chronic anxiety and stress.

V. It Will Help You Reach and Exceed Your Potential

Everything above leads us to this next important point. Living a high-performance and injury (and stress) free life the doors swing wide open for you to reach your potential. Correct that – we should say exceed your potential. Why exceed? Because when you make physio a part of your life, you will discover body-functional capabilities that most people (who don’t pay as much attention to their wellness) will never tap into. You know how they say that people only use about 10% of their brain? Well the same is true of how many people use their physical power. Physiotherapy will help you tap into their other 90% and become a version of YOU that absolutely exceeds a level potential you didn’t even know you had.

Excited to get started? Great! It all begins with a  friendly consultation that will help us learn more about your goals. Contact us today to schedule an appointment at our Burnaby BC clinic.