Choosing Your Sole Mate

How to Choose Running Shoes & Prevent Injury It’s quickly approaching that time of year when New Year’s resolutions are starting to form, and if for you those goals include running, it’s important to start thinking about what you need to get there. Whether it’s running your first 5k, the Vancouver Sun Run or setting […]
The Pallof Press, the best core exercise you’re probably not even doing
How to do the Pallof Press This exercise is named after physiotherapist John Pallof. Unlike the crunch or sit up, it ACTUALLY trains the core for what it is designed for. The core is much more than your rectus abdominus (6 pack muscles) and obliques and it is made to resist trunk extension, posterior pelvic tilt […]
Deep Neck Flexor training to decrease neck pain

How to treat neck pain with Deep Neck Flexor training Have neck pain? Can’t shake that muscle tightness in your neck? Work on those Deep Neck Flexors! A common problem in today’s society is poor posture. The evolution of the cellphone and laptop is a primary contributor to this issue and is most likely the cause of […]
Understanding The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) in Physiotherapy

What is the FMS? The FMS is a ranking and grading system that documents movement patterns that are key to normal function. By screening these patterns, the FMS readily identifies functional limitations and asymmetries. These are issues that can reduce the effects of functional training and physical conditioning and distort body awareness. The FMS is […]
9 Common Running Injuries that Physiotherapy can Address

Treating Running Injuries as a Physiotherapist I had a wonderful experience this past weekend at the Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) Vancouver Race Series 5k/10k in Stanley Park. Ryan Wong,a massage therapist and I (Reza Ghannadan, physiotherapist) – from Absolute PhysioCare & Sports Rehab in Burnaby – were onsite to provide treatment for injured runners. What was surprising to me […]
Kyle’s Post-Surgical Rehabilitation Performance, 2013 Finals
Post-surgical Rehabilitation: Sports Physiotherapy Competitive Athletic Rehabilitation Kyle’s post-surgical rehabilitation performance at the 1st Trials at the 2013 Finals Local Vancouver Area competitive athlete, Kyle, has been an inspiration to me since the day I met him. Kyle is an elite level gymnast that suffered a knee injury (avulsion fracture of his patella) which required surgery and […]