Benefits of Physiotherapy for Headaches

Chronic headaches suck. Having to go to bed with a headache sets the table for a poor night’s sleep, which can make matters worse upon waking, setting the tone for an even tougher day ahead. This is especially true when your job has you dealing with noise, performing complex cognitive tasks, and/or staring at digital screens […]
Your Child & Texting: Short & Long Term Dangers of ‘Text Neck’
Kids & Teenagers with Neck Pain & Headaches from Texting As a massage therapist in Burnaby BC, I often treat for headaches and neck pain especially with patients with whiplash injuries and patients who work in front of a computer. However, I also find that more and more children and teenagers are coming to see me […]
February’s Fantastic Five reasons to visit a Chiropractor
Five Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor 1) Motor vehicle accident Getting into a car accident can often be a stressful event especially if a friend or loved one is involved and may become injured. For patient ease, Chiropractic treatment is covered by ICBC, no out of pocket expenses and no medical doctor note is required […]
Got Headaches? Chiropractic can help
Headaches & Chiropractic Treatment Suffer from headaches? You are not alone, 65-75% of people in Canada will experience a headache sometime in their lifetime (Manzoni & Stovener, 2010). Some will be occasional, some frequent, some dull and achy and sharp and stabbing resulting in debilitating pain. With over 200 sub- types of diagnosed headaches the […]
Massage Therapy & Tension Headaches

Headaches comprise of 30% of my treatments at Absolute PhysioCare and it’s no surprise since most of us practice poor posture, especially when sitting in front of the computer screen. If you suffer from dull tension headaches more than three times a week, you can greatly benefit from having a few massage treatments. What are tension […]