Practical Tips to Back Pain Relief While Traveling

August is one of the busiest months of the year for travel, as individuals and households alike knock out a few more vacation days while the weather is prime. And while this is an exciting time, those of you living with chronic back pain fear the hours spent in planes, trains, automobiles, and on a […]
Tips for Safe Snow Shoveling in Vancouver, B.C.

Snow Shoveling– A winter workout that should be treated as such! As winter conditions hit the Lower Mainland and the rest of BC, it’s a good time to review some tips and tricks for shoveling snow in order to ensure the safety of yourself and fellow pedestrians. 1. Tips for Safe Snow Shoveling- Warm-up and […]
How to Sleep on Your Side for Pregnancy Back Pain (Video)
Pillowing Technique for Pregnancy Side Sleeping Position This pregnancy side sleeping position may help to alleviate back pain in pregnancy by sleeping on your side. This technique helps to keep the body aligned, ensure shoulders are supported, pivot points are supported, and the body is stabilized on from rolling off it’s side. Pregnant women often have […]
It Hurts When I Sit: Tailbone Pain
Understanding Tailbone Pain Coccydynia or coccygodynia, generally called tailbone pain, is a common condition. In some cases, pain resolves without conservative management; however, many presentations will benefit from conservative management; such as physiotherapy; in the resolution of pain and dysfunction (1). Why is my tailbone important? The coccyx, or tailbone, is the final or end segment […]
The Pallof Press, the best core exercise you’re probably not even doing
How to do the Pallof Press This exercise is named after physiotherapist John Pallof. Unlike the crunch or sit up, it ACTUALLY trains the core for what it is designed for. The core is much more than your rectus abdominus (6 pack muscles) and obliques and it is made to resist trunk extension, posterior pelvic tilt […]
Low Back Pain – Check your gluteus medius

Low Back Pain Actually is Pain in the Rear? Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common reasons people seek massage therapy. It seems to affect most everyone- office workers, marathon runners, stay at home parents, nurses, you name it! With such a varied group of people being affected it can be difficult […]
February’s Fantastic Five reasons to visit a Chiropractor
Five Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor 1) Motor vehicle accident Getting into a car accident can often be a stressful event especially if a friend or loved one is involved and may become injured. For patient ease, Chiropractic treatment is covered by ICBC, no out of pocket expenses and no medical doctor note is required […]
Lower Back Pain Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture for Low Back Pain By physiotherapist, Stephanie Harrap, B.HK (KIN), MPT, CAFCI What is Acupuncture and how does it work? Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that can be traced back at least 2,500 years. The general premise behind acupuncture is that the body contains patterns of energy flow known as Qi (pronounced “chee”) […]
Low Back Pain, the Iliopsoas Muscle, & Trigger Point Massage Therapy

Misleading Lower Back Pain Being a Registered Massage Therapist in Burnaby, lower back pain is one of the most common things patients come in for treatment. Some individuals have low back pain due to soft tissue tightness, arthritis, poor posture, disc related injuries, etc. Some patients I have seen are surprised to hear that their […]