Write A Review on Absolute PhysioCare’s Google Plus Page
Write a Review About Our Service on our Google + Page! Please give us a 5 star rating on G+, simply go to Absolute PhysioCare Google + Review Page and follow the prompts! Let the world know about our our physiotherapy services! Absolute PhysioCare has always prided it’s self on providing amazing customer service and your satisfaction truly means the world to us! If for any reason you do not […]
The Myth of ‘Normal’
Every Injury is Unique One of the most common questions that people ask me when they come for a massage is “Is this normal?” As they point to some aspect of their body or show me a movement they can or cannot do. My response it always the same, I ask them “Is that normal […]
Scar Tissue Management & Massage Therapy

Understanding Scar Tissue When I was a kid I thought it was cool to have scars. I figured the more scars I had the more people would know how awesome and daring I was. As an adult my thoughts regarding scars haven’t changed that much. While I don’t want scars as much anymore I still […]
Prenatal Massage: The Benefits of Massage for Moms-To-Be
The Benefits of Prenatal Massage for Back Pain Earlier this year, I posted a video about homecare techniques that soon to be Moms could use to help alleviate low back pain and help improve their sleep. Exercises and stretches are wonderful tools to have in order to manage discomfort but sometimes a bit of extra help is […]
Your Child & Texting: Short & Long Term Dangers of ‘Text Neck’
Kids & Teenagers with Neck Pain & Headaches from Texting As a massage therapist in Burnaby BC, I often treat for headaches and neck pain especially with patients with whiplash injuries and patients who work in front of a computer. However, I also find that more and more children and teenagers are coming to see me […]
ITB Friction Syndrome (aka Runners knee)
A Physiotherapist with Runners Knee 10 weeks into my 16 week training schedule, 6 weeks until race day, my knee buckles and I can’t weight-bear without 7 out of 10 knee pain (10 is the worst pain you can think of). It all began two weeks previously on a hill training session – and only […]
Low Back Pain – Check your gluteus medius

Low Back Pain Actually is Pain in the Rear? Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common reasons people seek massage therapy. It seems to affect most everyone- office workers, marathon runners, stay at home parents, nurses, you name it! With such a varied group of people being affected it can be difficult […]
Texting Thumb (or de Quervain’s Tenosynovitis)
Smartphone Injury Symptoms & Treatment Does playing on your smartphone cause you pain? Do your hands ache after playing with your portable handheld device? You may have texting thumb. With the prevalence of smartphones and mobile video games, more and more people report soreness in their thumbs, wrists and forearms. This overuse condition most commonly […]
Tips to Foam Rolling for Training & Running
How do I use a foam roller? Fret not, here’s a guide to help reduce those tired, sore and tight muscles. Especially if you’re training for the Sun Run, BMO and other upcoming races. Foam rollers come in many different lengths and sizes, and it all depends on the body part you are wanting to […]
Understanding Iliotibial Band Syndrome
IT Band Syndrome: Pain Along Outside of Knee Are you a runner, soccer player or a skater? Do you have pain along the outside of your knee while enjoying any of the above activities? Or do you have pain when walking or running downhill, but not uphill? Do you feel any repetitive snapping or “squeaking” […]