Why Does My Body Hurt After Driving?

Why Does My Body Hurt After Driving Burnaby BC

  It’s not uncommon for people to experience pain and discomfort while driving. However, a select number don’t necessarily experience an issue until after they step out of the car and head into their home, place or work, or other destination they’ve arrived at. Given that you’ve come online to search “why does my body […]

Why Am I Sore When I Don’t Workout?

Why Am I Sore When I Don't Workout Burnaby BC

  If you regularly do some sort of resistance training you have experienced the phenomenon of feeling mild to moderate pain and discomfort after you’ve taken your foot off the gas for a week or more. This is very common during the Holiday season or when away on vacation and the like. To the general […]

Why Do I Wake Up Sore and Stiff Every Morning?

Why Do I Wake Up Sore and Stiff Every Morning Burnaby BC

  You are tired (literally and figuratively) of the pain and immobility that manifests as soon as you roll out of bed in the AM. It’s not only an uncomfortable experience, it sets a negative tone for the day ahead, whether you’re heading off to work or preparing to an enjoy a day of physical […]

How Long Does it Take for Ribs to Heal?

How Long Does it Take for Ribs to Heal - Burnaby Vancouver BC

You’ve recently sustained a rib injury and have quickly realized how debilitating it can be. Not only does it frustrate your ability to work, play sports, and enjoy a wide number of activities, it can be bothersome to walk and breathe. And forget about sleeping normally for awhile unless you’re blessed with the ability to […]

Injured on Vacation in Vancouver? Come See Us!

Injured on Vacation in Vancouver Burnaby BC

Getting injured on vacation is the worst. It can sideline all of the plans that you had with friends and family, leaving you with feelings of FOMO as everyone else gets back to whatever it is you all came into town to do. After all, why should they suffer because you sprained an ankle or […]

Physiotherapist for Addiction

Physiotherapist for Addiction

People are often surprised to learn that a full service physiotherapy clinic can do more for people than rehabilitate an injury. The interconnected disciplines found within a clinic may be employed to eradicate chronic headaches, dizziness, restore sexual function, and much more. Physiotherapy can also help you achieve greater emotional and mental wellness. But one […]

Chronic Pain and Brain Fog

Chronic Pain and Brain Fog

By definition, brain fog is a temporary state of diminished mental capacity marked by an inability to concentrate or to think or reason clearly. It’s not a medical condition, but a symptom of various medical conditions. Brain fog has received a lot of press of late, given that it is one of the symptoms of […]

Coffee and Chronic Pain

Coffee and Chronic Pain

Coffee in ingrained in our culture. Many (if not most) people consider it an essential daily sustenance, but could it be contributing to chronic pain that you may be experiencing? Not necessarily, but possibly. On the flip side, some of you have heard that coffee may also assist in pain management. That too can be […]

Sugar and Chronic Pain


How sugar increases chronic pain and can disrupt physiotherapy progress, courtesy of Absolute PhysioCare in Burnaby, Greater Vancouver BC.