First Thing to Do After Lockdown? Physiotherapy (Here’s Why)
Watch the game in a pub? Go on a shopping spree? Get a perm at a salon? Take a cross province road trip? While these are all good ideas (aside from most perms) there is one thing you should do above all else now that the COVID lockdown is ending BC – see a physiotherapist. […]
How to Maintain Physiotherapy When on Vacation
We recently wrote an article on the importance of partaking in regular physiotherapy in the weeks or months leading up to a vacation. But one thing we find, is that our clients express concern over missing their weekly physio when out of town for extended periods. This response has pleasantly taken us by surprise – who […]
Physiotherapy for Flight Attendant Injuries / Concerns
Pretty specific topic, right? But there’s a good reason for this because at press flight attendants across the world are experiencing elevated levels of stress. To help take some of that off their table (or in-flight trays) we are taking a look at how physiotherapy can make their lives easier. How Physiotherapy Can Improve Key Health and Wellness […]
Can Physiotherapy Help Support Immunity?
Boosting your immune system has never been more important. Eating nutritious foods and dietary supplementation are a great start, but did you know that physical therapy can also play a role in improving immunity while promoting overall health and wellness? Some of the causations are direct, others indirect, but the end result is all the same […]
Physiotherapy for High School Teachers
Five reasons why secondary school teachers need regular physiotherapy, courtesy of Absolute PhysioCare in Burnaby, Greater Vancouver BC.
Physical Therapy for Actors
Five practical reasons actors benefit from regular physiotherapy, courtesy of Absolute PhysioCare in Burnaby, Greater Vancouver BC, Hollywood North.
Is Umbrella Elbow a Thing?
You’ve certainly heard of it in the context of tennis or golf, but what about umbrella elbow? Is that actually a thing? There is a rationale behind it, especially when you take Greater Vancouver as an example. When compared to the rest of Canada, residents here spend a much greater proportion of their time walking around outside […]
Can You Do Physical Therapy On Your Own?
Four bad things that commonly happen when people attempt DIY physiotherapy without first working with a professional, courtesy of Absolute PhysioCare.
3 Other Ways of Physiotherapy Supports Men’s Health
We spend a lot of time talking about the benefits of physiotherapy for women’s health. For instance, we recently addressed lesser known ways that physio can be applied to treat health issues that affect women at a disproportionately greater rate than that of their male counterparts. However, physiotherapy can also be employed to address gender-centric […]
Why You Need Physical Therapy to Be a Better Santa
You can add this to our recent article about how physiotherapy helps you become a better parent. What’s more important than pulling off a great Santa guise, be it for your kids, nieces/nephews, little cousins, or whomever you need to convince? More importantly, how will physical therapy help you prepare for this ambitious goal in time for […]