How to Sleep on Your Side for Pregnancy Back Pain (Video)
Pillowing Technique for Pregnancy Side Sleeping Position This pregnancy side sleeping position may help to alleviate back pain in pregnancy by sleeping on your side. This technique helps to keep the body aligned, ensure shoulders are supported, pivot points are supported, and the body is stabilized on from rolling off it’s side. Pregnant women often have […]
It Hurts When I Sit: Tailbone Pain
Understanding Tailbone Pain Coccydynia or coccygodynia, generally called tailbone pain, is a common condition. In some cases, pain resolves without conservative management; however, many presentations will benefit from conservative management; such as physiotherapy; in the resolution of pain and dysfunction (1). Why is my tailbone important? The coccyx, or tailbone, is the final or end segment […]
Your Child & Texting: Short & Long Term Dangers of ‘Text Neck’
Kids & Teenagers with Neck Pain & Headaches from Texting As a massage therapist in Burnaby BC, I often treat for headaches and neck pain especially with patients with whiplash injuries and patients who work in front of a computer. However, I also find that more and more children and teenagers are coming to see me […]
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
What is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) BPPV is a peripheral vestibular condition which causes mild to intense dizziness influenced by specific changes in head position. It is most prevalent in population between ages of 50-70 although it can occur at any time of the lifespan. In young population or among individuals below the age of […]
Low Pressure Fitness, or the Hypopressive Technique
What is the big fuss over low pressure fitness, or the Hypopressive technique? Last year, while I was researching courses that I wanted to take in 2016 I came across the Hypopressive level 1 course. As a pelvic floor therapist, I was interested in the technique, but I had not yet explored the theory. I […]
The Pallof Press, the best core exercise you’re probably not even doing
How to do the Pallof Press This exercise is named after physiotherapist John Pallof. Unlike the crunch or sit up, it ACTUALLY trains the core for what it is designed for. The core is much more than your rectus abdominus (6 pack muscles) and obliques and it is made to resist trunk extension, posterior pelvic tilt […]
Deep Neck Flexor training to decrease neck pain
How to treat neck pain with Deep Neck Flexor training Have neck pain? Can’t shake that muscle tightness in your neck? Work on those Deep Neck Flexors! A common problem in today’s society is poor posture. The evolution of the cellphone and laptop is a primary contributor to this issue and is most likely the cause of […]
ITB Friction Syndrome (aka Runners knee)
A Physiotherapist with Runners Knee 10 weeks into my 16 week training schedule, 6 weeks until race day, my knee buckles and I can’t weight-bear without 7 out of 10 knee pain (10 is the worst pain you can think of). It all began two weeks previously on a hill training session – and only […]
The Road to Boston
My journey of training for the Boston Marathon When I ran my first marathon three years ago my goal was never to get to Boston, my goal was to finish injury free and tick the marathon distance off my bucket list. I thought I was going to be done with the marathon and long distance […]
Texting Thumb (or de Quervain’s Tenosynovitis)
Smartphone Injury Symptoms & Treatment Does playing on your smartphone cause you pain? Do your hands ache after playing with your portable handheld device? You may have texting thumb. With the prevalence of smartphones and mobile video games, more and more people report soreness in their thumbs, wrists and forearms. This overuse condition most commonly […]