How to Improve Body Positivity Through Physiotherapy


Body positivity, or the body positive movement, promotes a positive view of all bodies, regardless of size, shape, and physical abilities among other criteria. Advocates focus on the appreciation of the functionality and health of the human body, as opposed to assessment of its physiological appearance. While it’s considered by many to be a purely […]

How Can I Improve My Running Form?

How Can I Improve My Running Form

OK, so maybe your form isn’t quite as bad as Phoebe Buffay’s, but you’ve recognized that something must be done to improve your speed, endurance, and overall performance on the tracks and pathways that you run along. Further, you may have come to the realization that your posture and positioning could be contributing to pain […]

Physiotherapy Lessons to be Learned from ELF

Physiotherapy Lessons to be Learned from ELF

Ever since the film adaptation of Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol arrived a 1938, Hollywood has created a limited number of movies that the world can count as being official Christmas classics. That selective list includes the likes of A Miracle on 34th Street, It’s a Wonderful Life, Home Alone, and Home Alone 2. Then in […]

Physiotherapist Reviews Near You

Physiotherapist Reviews Near Me

You’re in need of physiotherapy to repair an injury or musculoskeletal malfunction, or to optimize your performance in athletics, work, or other activity. Perhaps all of the above. You’ve identified a number of clinics that are conveniently located in your area (Burnaby BC) with a full suite of services and hours that accommodate your needs. […]

Physiotherapy Open Late Near You in Burnaby BC

Physiotherapy Open Late Near Me Burnaby BC

There was a time when most physiotherapy clinics were only open during traditional business hours, and closing their doors to walk-ins and appointments at 5 or 5:30 PM if not earlier. Of course, this was inconvenient for those who worked a full-time 9-5 job, leaving many to suffer from pain and malfunction until they could […]

Why See a Physiotherapist Before Running in the Winter

Running in the Winter Burnaby Vancouver BC

Winter season is upon us in the BC Lower Mainland. While we’re blessed with relatively mild-to-moderate weather through the season, the colder temperatures most certainly impact our bodies. This is especially true for those who enjoy activities in the great outdoors. One such activity that is preferred by many Vancouverites (Burnaby residents included) is running. […]

Unlocking the Benefits of Running Assessment by a Physiotherapist

Running Assessment Physiotherapy Burnaby BC

Running is more than just a form of exercise; it’s a way of life for many. Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or a casual jogger, the physical demands of running can sometimes lead to pain, injuries, and decreased performance. This is where the expertise of a physiotherapist with advanced training in running assessment and treatment […]

Zombie Injuries That Physiotherapy Can Help You With

Zombie Injuries Physiotherapy

At press, Halloween is just a few days away, which means that there will be all sorts of creatures, critters, demons, monsters, and armies of the undead roaming the streets. Unfortunately, some of you will get bitten by the latter, which can really put a damper on the rest of the year (or life in […]

Tingling Sensation? See a Physiotherapist Right Away

Physiotherapy for Tingling Sensation

Are you experiencing a tingling sensation in one or more places in your body with or without being able to connect the dots to a specific acute event that may have caused it? If so, we recommend seeing a physiotherapist (and perhaps a physician) right away. Here’s why. Why See a Physiotherapist as Soon as […]

Physical Therapy for Guitar Players

Physical Therapy for Guitar Players Guitarists Vancouver BC

Earlier in the year, Absolute PhysioCare published an article about the benefits of physical therapy for musicians of all types. After receiving a positive response from readers (who are musicians) we became highly motivated to do follow-up articles on behalf of the individual types of musicians. In today’s feature we focus on professional guitarists. They […]