Physical Therapy for New Moms

Congratulations on motherhood! It’s an exciting and nerve-racking time rolled up into one. While you’re all-consumed by your new bundle of joy, we want to remind you to also look after yourself between bouts of feeding, changing diapers, and nibbling on tiny toes (OK, that last part is fun). Of course, you know this, which […]
Prenatal Massage: The Benefits of Massage for Moms-To-Be
The Benefits of Prenatal Massage for Back Pain Earlier this year, I posted a video about homecare techniques that soon to be Moms could use to help alleviate low back pain and help improve their sleep. Exercises and stretches are wonderful tools to have in order to manage discomfort but sometimes a bit of extra help is […]
How to Relieve Lower Back Tension Pregnancy (Video)
Watch How Your Partner Can Help You Relieve Lower Back Tension During Pregnancy This technique is done with a partner to help reduce the tension and relive back pain during pregnancy. Low back pain and tension are common complaints of pregnant women. The lordotic curve is increased by the extra weight of the belly. In this […]
‘Semi Fowler’ Pregnancy Position (Video)
Watch How to Use the Semi Fowler Technique in Pregnancy Pregnant women often have difficulty sleeping. The reasons are numerous but in this video we address lack of sleep due to positioning. Pillowing techniques can be a useful tool to help decrease discomfort. In this video the semi fowlers technique is shown to help reduce […]
Low Pressure Fitness, or the Hypopressive Technique

What is the big fuss over low pressure fitness, or the Hypopressive technique? Last year, while I was researching courses that I wanted to take in 2016 I came across the Hypopressive level 1 course. As a pelvic floor therapist, I was interested in the technique, but I had not yet explored the theory. I […]
Understanding, Managing & Treating Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Conservative management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse? A pelvic organ prolapse is a systematic descent of a pelvic organ (uterus, cervix, bladder) pushing on the walls of your vagina and/or anus and is observed in 50% of postpartum woman (1,2). Descent of a pelvic organ may occur under various conditions such […]
Prenatal Massage: Benefits of Massage Therapy During Pregnancy
Benefits of Massage During Pregnancy Pregnancy can be defined as a state of wellness with many interrelated changes that occur throughout the woman’s body as the fetus develops. (LInda Ludwig RMT) Pregnancy is a wonderful experience for a woman. There are many physiological changes that occur within the woman’s body during 42 wks. Some stressful, […]