Volleyball Physical Therapy

When played at an elite level, volleyball is a high-intensity sport that calls upon a number of muscles, including the biceps femoris, gluteus maximus, erector spinae muscle group, trapezius, and posterior deltoids. That being said, nearly all muscles along with ligaments, tendons, and tissues are tasked during the combined movements of bumping, blocking, spiking, setting, […]
MMA Physiotherapy

Mixed martial arts (MMA) has gone from the fringe to becoming one of the most popular amateur and professional sports in the world. As a result, it has become widely recognized that current and aspiring fighters are far from being brutes, but elite athletes that must undergo training regimes that make those from other sports […]
How Long Does it Take for Calf Strain to Heal?

You’ve sustained a calf injury over the last few weeks or days. I may have been today. It doesn’t take long to realize how debilitating it can be, keeping you from your favorite sports, recreational activities, and even brisk evening walks. Frustrated, you are wondering how soon you can return to normal and have come […]
Physiotherapy for College Athletes

We’re nearly a month into the first semester of the collegiate year in BC, which means that many athletic programs are ramping up and/or kicking into full gear. Amidst the on-campus practices and preparatory activities there is one resource that we encourage post-secondary athletes to take advantage of – physiotherapy. Here’s why. Why College and […]
How NFL Season Start Proves Risk of Injury After Hiatus

Be prepared before you get back out there (no matter what you do) NFL Week 2 of the 2020 season was a headline-maker and not because of the quality of game play. A potential record number (for Week 2 of any season) of players went down with an injury by the time Sunday’s games were […]
Returning to Sports After COVID – Why Physio is Necessary

The PGA has returned. The NBA and NHL have committed to returning this summer. And you’d better belief that nothing that will stop the NFL from kicking-off in time for the fall season. One by one professional leagues across the continent are coming back from the COVID 19 “layoff” to the delight of fans. […]
Why There Would Be No 2020 Super Bowl Without Physio

Super Bowl LIV is upon us, but as viewers and fans we take the road that led its professional athletes there for granted. You see, the 54th edition of the NFL’s crown achievement as we know it would not have been possible without physiotherapy. Here’s why. Why the Super Bowl 54 Matchup Between the San Francisco […]
How to Keep Playing Sports Later in Life

One of the biggest fears athletic people have is the reduced capacity to keep playing sports as they get older. Does it have to be that way? Does age have to become a crutch that keeps up from hitting the track, field, or court with the same vigor that we did in our youth? It […]
Physiotherapy for Football Players

3 reasons why amateur football players need to include physiotherapy in their training regime, from Absolute PhysioCare in Burnaby, Greater Vancouver BC.
Benefits of Physiotherapy for Sports Teams

Most professional sports teams in North America have physiotherapists on the payroll. But when it comes to amateur, city league, college/university, and youth level there appears to be a bit of a lack in Canada. As a coach or athletics coordinator, you may be seeking to fill this void, but in order to build a case […]