Counselling for Pain Management After a Motor Vehicle Accident

Pain after a motor vehicle accident can affect employment, impair everyday functioning, decrease quality of life, and impact relationships with loved ones. When we are in pain, we are faced with many emotions. Such as grief and loss around our abilities and freedom, we may struggle with our identities as independent individuals, and we may struggle with guilt and a sense of injustice. Pain and trauma can maintain each other in the body, keeping us in a state of heightened anxiety. Physical and psychological pain often show up together.

How Pain is Connected to Emotions, Thoughts, and Behaviors

While the root of pain can stem from physical injury, such as whiplash, the experience of pain is grounded in the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS governs a web of processes, including sensory, emotional, psychological, and behavioral parts. Think of the CNS as the entire electrical circuit in your home. All those emotional, psychological, and behavioral pieces are the different wiring for different parts of your home: wiring for the laundry, wiring for the stove, and so on.

Think of the wiring for pain being on the same circuit breaker as the ones for your emotions, mind, and behaviors. If the microwave trips the circuit breaker, it is likely that something else on that breaker wouldn’t work either. So, if you have pain, it is going to interfere with your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. From losing track of time, to difficulty sleeping, to being anxious or angry, these are all connected to pain through the central nervous system.

How Counselling Can Help

Counselling is a collaborative approach to get you emotionally and psychologically well. Counselling can help you process and leave behind trauma and anxiety, and many other emotions such as loss, anger, guilt, and isolation. A counsellor can support you with accountability in adhering to exercise and rehabilitation programs on your path to healing. A counsellor can provide tools and strategies around pain management, and empower you with tools to communicate effectively with loved ones, and for you to self-advocate for accommodations in the workplace. Counselling offers emotional and psychological support so you can recover, be well, and live well.

ICBC and 100% Counselling Coverage

Did you know that counselling is 100% covered by ICBC after a motor vehicle accident? Direct billing is available in our Burnaby office so you do not have to stress. Learn more about our clinical counseling services. If you have any additional questions or you want to book a session, contact us by calling 604-558-2273 or use this booking form at your convenience.