Getting Help After an Automobile Accident

Help After Car Accident Vancouver BC

The 5-year year average for motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) reported to ICBC in British Columbia is 822 per day. The all-time high was just a few short years ago, with ICBC logging a mind blowing total of 960 MVAs a day. That’s nearly 1000 accidents within every 24-hour period! Not surprisingly, the Lower Mainland accounts for the bulk of these concerning statistics, driving 65% of all MVAs.

The point in referencing this data is to show that if you’ve recently been in an MVA, you’re not alone. However, you may feel alone when it comes to getting help after a car accident. Sure, it felt as if everyone was there for you at first. You were attended to by on-site officers and paramedics, followed by physicians, friends, and family members. And let’s not forget your insurance agent. But as the days, weeks, or even months pass you find that all is still not well with the world. You continue to suffer from a number of ailments, while others rear their head well after the initial trauma. Where does this leave you? Thankfully, here. Please read ahead.

Where to Turn for Help After Being in a Car Accident in Greater Vancouver BC

Physical Help After a Motor Vehicle Accident

Whether your physician has identified an acute injury early after an automobile accident, or aches, pains, and malfunctions have begun to appear over time, you need help from a physiotherapist and chiropractor. In the past receiving ongoing treatment from such professionals may have cost more than your insurance policy covered. But this antiquated model has been replaced by ICBC’s Enhanced Care program.

The program is based on a no fault insurance model, which is a policy that helps pay for your medical care if you’re injured in an MVA regardless of who was responsible. Under the program, there is no maximum overall limit to your care and recovery benefits. It also opens you up to access to chiropractic treatment, physiotherapy, massage therapy, and other forms of physical support. This treatment is covered for as long as you need it as there is no cap on the timeline. Better yet, our specialists are registered as ICBC treatment providers. This means that NO FEES CHARGED with valid ICBC claims, even if you are at fault. Our office can direct bill ICBC on your behalf so you do not have to pay out of pocket. View more about the process here.

Psychological Help After Car Accident

Physical help is just the tip of the iceberg. Below the surface, there is often underlying trauma that impacts one’s mental and emotional state. It can hamper one’s ability to return to normal daily life, negatively influencing social, familial, and professional relationships alike. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other psychological concerns are diagnosed within many people who have been in a car accident. ICBC’s Enhanced Care program covers ongoing treatment for psychological help too, affording patients access to counseling services that they once had to pay out of pocket for. To ensure that you are able to get all of the help you need in one place after being in a car accident, Absolute PhysioCare is proud to offer clinical counseling services. View more on our clinical counsellor for ICBC mental health claims.

Need help after a car accident in Vancouver BC? Call 604-558-2273 to schedule a consultation at our Burnaby area clinic today. We’re here for you.