Give Your Mom the Gift of Physiotherapy This Mother’s Day

Physiotherapy for Mothers

Stuck for gift ideas for this coming Mother’s Day? Are the annual flowers and a pancake breakfast at Denny’s getting redundant? Then we have the solution for you. Physiotherapy can be one of the most thoughtful gifts you could ever bequeath your mom on this special day of the year. Knowing that many of you are renowned last minute shoppers (Dad?) we have taken it upon ourselves to offer you some advice on how booking a consultation (and follow up treatment/therapy) for the mother/wife in your life can be the greatest gift-giving decision you’ve ever made.

5 Reasons Why You Should Book a Physiotherapist Visit as a Gift to Give this Mother’s Day

1. The Best Parts of Spa Day without the Fluffy Stuff – Massage Therapy

Yes, spa day is indeed one of the more popular Mother’s Day gift ideas, but once you remove the bells, whistles, and Enya playlist, you’re left with the stuff that really matters – the massage. That’s what has her coming out singing your praises as the best gift giver ever. And when it comes to massage, wouldn’t you prefer that she receives the best possible treatment, from an RMT that will assess her body movements, functions, and address all known and underlying ailments? A physiotherapy clinic that offers manual therapy will provide a variety of treatments, including friction massage, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, Swedish massage, and more. Give her something that will not only have her feeling great for an hour or so, but something that may very well help eradicate preexisting back pain, neck pain, muscle strains, and everything else in between. This is the gift that keeps on giving.

2. Prenatal and Postnatal Therapy

This one applies to expectant mothers and those who have recently given birth. Reward her for all of the hard work that comes from being a vessel that brings life into this world, because it most certainly takes its toll on her body.
Common pregnancy related ailments that can be addressed by a full-service physiotherapy clinic include:

  • Chronic headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Tightness and pain in the hamstrings and heel cords
  • Pain and/or tingling sensations in the arms
  • Leaky bladder
  • Other – every woman is different, and thus experiences different pains, sensations, and physical issues that can be treated through physiotherapy.

Learn more about pre and post natal massage therapy, and view our complete pre and post natal services.

3. She’s Not Your Average Woman

Is your mom (or wife/partner who is a mom) a modern day Wonder Woman? In addition to managing day to day responsibilities, is she out there jogging, hiking, lifting, playing tennis, golfing, kickboxing, surfing, rock climbing, swimming, or participating in other strenuous activities and sports in her free time? If the woman in your life is both a soccer mom and player, then physiotherapy is the perfect match.
Not only can physio help keep her free from common sports injuries, it can address unique gender differences (not limits!) in certain activities, such as running and more. Physical therapy can help give her the natural edge she’s looking for to become even greater at everything she does. Look out Wonder Woman.

4. Making Sex Great Again

Kids, if you’re reading this, close your eyes and pass the rest to Dad. Sexuality is unfortunately one of things that can fall to the wayside after giving birth and raising children, but this absolutely does not need to be the case.
Recent studies have reported that anywhere between 10 percent and two-thirds of women experience pain or discomfort during intercourse. One culprit, is pelvic floor dysfunction, which can include pelvic organ prolapse and pain in the pelvic floor. Pain also commonly exists after childbirth, which is why there may have been a change in sexual activity in parenthood (household privacy issues aside).
Thankfully, a full service a physiotherapy clinic that is versed in women’s sexual health you (as applicable to physical therapy) will provide treatment that may help make sex more enjoyable, and downright great again, if not better than ever before! These treatments include (but are not exclusive to) manual therapy, core training, electric stimulation, and acupuncture, the latter of which is used to treat ailments such as vaginismus.
Yet again, we find another gift that can keep on giving, for both partners (wink wink).

5. A Solution to Many Other Women’s Health Issues

Without a doubt, physiotherapy and women’s health and wellness go hand in hand. In addition to all of the above, clinical treatments can be provided to assist in the recovery, or eradication, of all sorts of ailments common to women and motherhood like. These include osteoporosis/osteopenia, fibromyalgia/chronic pain, scar healing after great surgery, and so much more. View this complete list of women’s health issues that can be effectively treated through physiotherapy.

Whether you find this article before Mother’s Day or after, you certainly don’t need a calendar to tell you that the special woman in your life deserves some TLC. If located in the Greater Vancouver area, contact our Burnaby clinic today to schedule a consultation and/or discuss treatment/therapy options available to her.