Haunted House Injuries Physiotherapy Can Help You Avoid

Haunted Household Injuries Physiotherapy Can Help You Avoid

Do you live in a haunted house? While you may make a killing (ahem) by putting it on Airbnb during Halloween, it can be a bit of a bummer for all other days and nights of the year. As any horror movie about haunted houses will tell you, there are a number of injuries that typically ensue within. But did you know that regular physiotherapy can help prevent most of them? Next to an exorcist there is really no one better to have at your side when in your particular conundrum. Read below to learn more.

3 Common Haunted House Injuries that Regular Physiotherapy Can Help Prevent

Sore Neck from the Creepy Girl in the Bathroom Mirror

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image: courtesy of Warner Brothers (Thirteen Ghosts)

It’s the worst. You get up to use the restroom in the middle of the night, go to wash your hands, and when you look in the mirror that damn ghost of a creepy girl is staring back at you. You instantly crane your neck to see if she’s really there and just like that – neck pain. While we can’t help you with the girl in the mirror problem, we can definitely help you repair and prevent neck pain.

Back Pain from Possession

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image: courtesy of Warner Brothers (The Exorcist)

Live in a haunted house long enough and you’ll end up getting possessed by some sort of demon. And man, they make you do all kinds of weird stuff, including the super uncomfortable backwards spider walk that was documented in The Exorcist. Of course, you never remember a thing, but when you wake up in the AM you experience all kinds of lower back pain. To prevent this from becoming a persistent problem, be sure to get regular back pain support from a physiotherapist.

Wrist and Shoulder Injuries from Being Sucked Into Portals

Haunted House Injuries - Wrist Shoulder

image: courtesy of MGM Studios (Poltergeist)

The next most common thing to occur and cause injury for occupants of a haunted house, is the act of being sucked into a portal from another dimension. As the documentary Poltergeist (1982) showed, these portals may be closets or TVs. One thing is for certain – you don’t want to go into any of them. Bad things happen inside. To keep from being suddenly sucked in (there is rarely adequate warning) you have to grab onto bedposts, doorframes, and whatever else you can grip when it begins. But when you do, the sheer force of the demonic dimension often causes hand and wrist injuries in addition to rotator cuff injuries to the shoulders as you hold on for dear life. Be sure to consult with a local physiotherapist to ensure that you’re prepared to prevent future injuries to the hand and wrists in addition to injury prevention strategies for the shoulders.

If your haunted abode is located in the Greater Vancouver BC area be sure to schedule a consultation at Absolute PhysioCare right away. Although we’re sorry, but we won’t do home visits in your particular case.

CALL: 604.558.2273
