A compromised rotator cuff can make certain recreational activities feel downright impossible. Weightlifting, swimming, paddling, surfing, tennis, golf, pickleball and more depend upon this group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint. Collectively (and when healthy) they keep the head of the upper arm bone firmly within the shallow socket of the shoulder. When injured from repetitive strain or an acute event, symptoms that manifest range from a dull ache to more severe pain along with weakness and lack of mobility. As someone who has a chronic or acute injury of this nature, you are wondering; How long does it take for rotator cuff to heal? Read ahead find out.
How Long it Takes a Rotator Cuff to Heal After an Injury and What You Can Do to Accelerate the Process in a Healthy Way
How Long it Takes a Rotator Cuff to Heal After Complete Tears
If in the very unfortunate circumstance that you have experienced a complete (or very significant) tear to rotator cuff tendons (an acute event) you’re looking at six to nine months before it will be completely healed to the bone. Carefully integrated physiotherapy interventions, namely IMS dry needling in addition to TCM acupuncture will help with stiffness and immobility until you’re ready for more intensive treatments such as active release technique, massage, and a number of movements and stretches. Ultimately, if you want your healing period to come in around the six month mark, instead of nine or more, start physiotherapy as soon as cleared (by physician or physiotherapist) for treatment.
How Long it Takes a Rotator Cuff to Heal After Surgery for Tears
Some people choose to get surgery if they have torn their rotator cuff in a sudden injury and the tear is causing significant shoulder weakness, discomfort, and pain. While a surgery can repair a rotator cuff tear from an acute event (much lessor so for chronic issues) remember that it is still a surgery. As with any surgery of the musculoskeletal nature, most people recover normal strength and mobility within about 6 months.
How Long it Takes a Rotator Cuff to Heal After Partial Muscle/Tendon Tears
Partial muscle or tendon tears of the rotator cuff depend upon Grade. The Ellman Classification of Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears and corresponding healing rimes are as follows:
- Grade I: < 3mm or < 25% thickness (two to four weeks healing time with physiotherapy intervention)
- Grade II: 3-6mm or 25-50% thickness (six to eight weeks healing time with physiotherapy intervention)
- Grade III: > 6mm or > 50% thickness (12 to 26 weeks healing time with physiotherapy intervention)
*Healing times are approximations and vary upon health and wellness of an individual and how dedicated they are to followed their physio-prescribed regime.
How Long it Takes a Rotator Cuff to Heal When Treating Inflammation
Dull aches along with mild to moderate stiffness and immobility are typically symptoms of inflammation in the rotator cuff. This can be effectively treated through physiotherapy interventions including the above-mentioned IMS dry needling, TCM acupuncture, active release technique, and massage and addition to movements and stretches. With physiotherapy intervention your healing time can come in at under two weeks with people typically feeling better after their very first session!
Are you located in the Greater Vancouver area? Significantly reduce the amount of time it takes for your rotator cuff injury to heal by coming in to our Burnaby clinic as soon as possible. Schedule a consultation for this week/weekend via the contacts provided below.