9 Common Running Injuries that Physiotherapy can Address

Treating Running Injuries as a Physiotherapist

I had a wonderful experience this past weekend at the Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) Vancouver Race Series 5k/10k in Stanley Park.Ryan Wong, massage therapist and I (Reza Ghannadan, physiotherapist) from Burnaby PhysioCare & Sports Rehab providing treatment for injured runners.
Ryan Wong,a massage therapist and I (Reza Ghannadan, physiotherapist) – from Absolute PhysioCare & Sports Rehab in Burnaby – were onsite to provide treatment for injured runners.
What was surprising to me was how many runners required post-race treatment to manage their pain and symptoms. Several runners had never been to physiotherapy before and were not aware as to the cause of their pain or how to manage it. This is where physiotherapy can help.
The majority of runners achieved significant pain and tension-relief after 5-7 minutes of treatment.

9 Common Running Injuries that Physiotherapy can Address:

  1. Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome (AKA outer thigh pain)
  2. Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome (AKA central knee pain)
  3. Gluteus Medius Tendinopathy (AKA hip or gluteal pain)
  4. Piriformis Syndrome (AKA gluteal pain that may radiate down the leg)
  5. Low Back Pain
  6. Shin splints (AKA inner or outer leg pain)
  7. Knee or ankle ligament sprains
  8. Peroneal Tendinitis (AKA outer leg or ankle pain)
  9. Neck pain and stiffness

In order to manage your injury, your physiotherapist will have to first perform a thorough assessment to identify the structure(s) at fault. Following this, an individualized treatment plan will be developed to address your specific needs or goals.
Treatment will typically consist of joint mobilizations, massage therapy and soft-tissue releasesexercises for range-of-motion, strengthening and flexibility, KT taping, education regarding activities/positions to avoid, and electrotherapy for pain management and tissue healing.
Personally, I have successfully managed the above injuries in a variety of populations, whether sedentary, active and athletic. What I have learned is that every patient is different and thus requires an individualized treatment plan to achieve their fitness goals. Healing timelines will vary from patient-to-patient depending on how acute or chronic the injury is, as well as your activity levels.
Bottom Line: Running injuries are very common and the majority of runners are not aware how to manage them. Sports physiotherapy is essential to identifying the cause of your pain and developing a treatment plan to keep you active.

Our Sports Physiotherapy Clinic in Burnaby BC

If you are experiencing any of the above injuries, our Burnaby sports injury physiotherapy clinic can help.
Please contact us at 604-558-2273 to make an appointment.
For more information, visit our sports therapy website at BurnabyPhysioCare.com

Reza Ghannadan, MPT, BSc (Kin)
About me: Reza Ghannadan is a physiotherapist in Burnaby, BC. He is an active runner and community advocate of physiotherapy.


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