Physiotherapist Specializing in Feet

Physiotherapist Specializing in Feet Burnaby Vancouver BC

Physicians across Canada recently reported an increase in instances of foot pain and injuries over the last two years. We must admit that we’ve also seen a greater number of toes stepping through our doors to inquire about foot treatments and therapy. Whether that’s due to an increase in acute or overuse injuries, or an increase in awareness of physiotherapy as a means to treat one’s lower extremities is ultimately beside the point. What YOU are searching for, is a physiotherapist specializing in feet. You’ve stepped into the right place. Contact us immediately to schedule your consultation or read below first for some additional information (and more bad puns).

Why Greater Vancouver Turns to Absolute PhysioCare in Burnaby BC for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Therapy for Troubled Feet

We Correct Knee Problems from Acute Injuries

Acute injuries (from sport, work, or other activity) not related to cuts and punctures that generally result in foot pain and discomfort include the following:

  • Bruises and contusions.
  • Ligament sprains and strains that connect and support toes, feet, and ankles.
  • Ruptured tendon in the heel (Achilles tendon).
  • Toe or foot fracture.
  • Dislocated toe or foot bone.
  • Compartment syndrome.


Acute injuries such as those detailed above will typically send you to the ER or family physician as they occur. Once you’ve been attended to (as applicable) the first step (don’t forget your crutch!) is to schedule an appointment at our Burnaby clinic where we have a full service staff for rehab and recovery. This is a critical phase that will help protect against the development of chronic pain and discomfort in the injured foot.

We Correct Chronic Feet Problems

Chronic foot pain and discomfort are generally the result of overuse injuries. These are common to those who perform repetitive movements of the lower extremities at work and/or through recreational and athletic activities. Overuse injuries that result in foot problems include the following:

  • Retrocalcaneal bursitis.
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Tendinosis
  • Stress fracture (yes, this is generally an overuse vs acute injury even if dubbed a fracture)
  • Plantar fasciitis (a big issue for our local snowboarders)
  • Metatarsalgia


Our Burnaby clinic employs a number of methods to correct chronic foot pain and discomfort from overuse injuries. For example, we may prescribe custom orthotics to correct retrocalcaneal bursitis and even Achilles tendinitis. Or, our team may conclude that your best course of action for  plantar fasciitis (in addition to orthotics) may involve a multi-pronged regime that includes the application of deep tissue massage, modalities, TCM acupuncture,  mobilization exercises, and athletic taping. Meanwhile, those suffering from metatarsalgia may enjoy a return to form via a combination of soft tissue work on lower extremity and foot, laser therapy and acupuncture therapy. We have the team (including a dedicated running assessment specialist) required to provide the most powerful foot physiotherapy in Greater Vancouver BC.

Physiotherapist Specializing in Feet in Burnaby Vancouver BC

Tired of having sore feet when simply standing, much less other more intensive activities? If located in the Greater Vancouver BC area, your search for a physiotherapist specializing in feet concludes right here. Book your consolation at our Burnaby clinic today.

CALL: 604.558.2273

