Physiotherapy for Bowlers

Physiotherapy for Bowlers - Physical Therapy for Bowlers Thumb

Noticed a drop in your bowling game of late? Is it due to chronic pain or loss of function somewhere in your body? To keep your score from dropping from the mid-200s to below 100 (gasp) you will want to see a physiotherapist. Only then can you return to your status of kingpin or queenpin. Here’s what you need to know.

5 Ways Physiotherapy Can Help Bowlers Improve Performance While Preventing and Treating Common Injuries

1. Physical Therapy for Bowler’s Thumb

You’re familiar with tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow, but did you know that there’s such as thing as bowler’s thumb? While rare, the neuropathic condition involves the ulnar digital nerve of the thumb. It becomes symptomatic as the thumb is exposed to persistent frictional irritation, such as when an avid bowler repeatedly performs the same movement. That movement (bowling) compresses the ulnar digital nerve when the thumb undergoes pressure in the thumbhole of a bowling ball. While you may uses a protective thumb guard and may consider a better fitting ball, physical therapy movements that focus on repairing the ulnar digital nerve are necessary to recovery.

2. Treatment for Other Common Injuries Suffered by Bowlers

There are a number of other injuries that are common to bowlers that you may be experiencing. These include the following:

All of the above will be corrected by a physiotherapist. We’ve provided links to a few that we have dedicated guides for, but if you have any additional questions about these injuries, please feel free to call 604.558.2273 to inquire.

3. Prevention of Common Injuries Suffered by Bowlers

You don’t need to have sustained an injury from bowling to visit a physiotherapist. The common injuries above can be prevented from happening in the first place, when you abide by the principles of physical therapy.

One of the biggest misconceptions about bowling is that it’s a little more than a “beer league” activity. While the social aspect is a big part of the fun, let’s make one thing clear for outsiders who don’t understand – bowling is absolutely a sport. As such, physiotherapy guided sports injury prevention protocol must be applied. A physiotherapist will provide you with a regime of exercises and stretches that you can apply to a proper 10 minute warmup to account for the common injuries noted above, and a 5-minute cool down upon exit from the lane to loosen up your lower and upper torso. Lastly, by making physiotherapy a part of your health and wellness regime, you will learn a variety of proper body movements and motions (as dictated by your therapist) which will serve you well in bowling injury prevention.

4. Improving Balance and Stance

Next to the act of throwing a 10 to 16 pound ball, the next thing you think of when it comes to the physicality of bowling is your stance. It sets the tone for the rest. Balance is integral to getting off on the right foot (literally and figuratively). Learn more about how physiotherapy can be directly applied to improve your balance.

5. Custom Orthotics for Your Bowling Shoes

Custom orthotics are designed to correct and eliminate foot abnormalities and restore the normal balance in the body which will reduce the stress off the joints causing less fatigue and pain. They will provide shock absorption, extra cushioning, support, reduced pressure in the foot resulting in relief and greater comfort while bowling. In the same manner that you can get custom orthotics for walking and running, you can do so for your bowling shoes too. Learn more about custom orthotics.

Before you head to the lane for your next bowl, be sure to book a consultation with your local physiotherapist. If you reside in the Greater Vancouver area, contact our Burnaby physiotherapy clinic to set up an appointment. Call us at 604.558.2273 today.