Physiotherapy for Delivery Drivers

Physiotherapy for Delivery Drivers Vancouver Burnaby BC

According to the most recent data (2016) from WorkBC, there are an estimated  11,000 delivery and courier service drivers in the province. After the events of the past two years it’s safe to say that the number is now considerably higher, as our dependency on the shipping of products (for personal and professional reasons) has shot through the roof. Given that Greater Vancouver is a “port city” it’s a fact that the bulk of these drivers and couriers are found in our neck of the woods. If you’re among them, you know that in addition to the financial opportunity, there are a number of pains to come with the gig. Some of those pains are physical in nature. It’s those that we’re addressing here today.

Below is a breakdown of why you should add your local physiotherapy clinic to your weekly route, for your own health and wellness benefit.

Why Delivery Drivers and Couriers Should Make Physiotherapy a Part of Their Normal Health and Wellness Regime

Prevention and Rehabilitation of Chronic Injuries Commonly Suffered by Driving a Delivery Vehicle

Delivery drivers experience a concerning number of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDSs). Studies find that lower back pain is the primary culprit for Amazon Prime (etc.) drivers. Lower back pain from the act of driving occurs as you sit in a prone position which is compounded by whole-body vibration received from the vehicle and road. In addition, repetitive arm and leg movements involved in extended periods of driving along with the act of opening and closing delivery doors over and over (and over) again lead to overuse injuries in the limbs. In fact, many couriers live and work with painful carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). CTS not only occurs from overuse but from the aforementioned vehicular vibrations. There is also a courier condition known as Driver’s Foot. It is accelerated by the repeated action of pressing on vehicle pedals. It puts stress on the muscles, joints and tendons of the feet and ankles. Over time, this pressure and pain will likely spread to the knees, hips and back.

The longer you’ve been on the job the more likely that you will suffer from these work-related injuries. They will not only prevent you from performing your essential duties they have negative consequences on your quality of life at home, and within familial/social circles.

A physiotherapist will perform an ergonomic assessment of posture and body parts related to MSDSs and will directly address chronic injury and pain common to operating a vehicle for long hours. View more on how physiotherapy is used to improve the physical health and wellness of drivers.

Prevention and Rehabilitation of Chronic Injuries Commonly Suffered by Lifting, Carrying, and Dropping-Off Packages

The chronic injuries sustained while driving your delivery vehicle may have come as a surprise. Chronic pains sustained from lifting, carrying, and dropping-off packages at recipient doorsteps do not. In fact, you probably have a chronic injury at this moment from performing these duties. The injuries are as expected, including lower back pain, neck pain, and rotator cuff pain along with metatarsalgia which is the pain or inflammation you may be feeling in the ball of the foot (metatarsal) from pounding the pavement as you bound from door to door. By clicking the links to each you will find how physiotherapy can effectively treat the common injuries (and more) sustained by delivery drivers and couriers.

Beyond the benefits of receiving in-clinic treatment for injuries, a physiotherapist will also provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to continue treatment at home and on the job (on your break, between stops, etc.). Your therapist will provide clear instructions on regular stretching exercises that you can perform to reduce and prevent the symptoms of MSDS. This will provide an effective means to improving neuromuscular coordination and flexibility while also improving muscle strength.

Simply put, a physiotherapist will not only deliver the in-clinic treatment you need, they will empower you with ongoing self-intervention methods for the prevention and cure of musculoskeletal disorders.

Ready to make a stop at your local physiotherapy clinic? If you’re a courier in the Greater Vancouver area, deliver yourself to our Burnaby BC clinic today. Contact us to schedule your first appointment.