Physiotherapy for Farmers

Farmer Physiotherapist | Physiotherapy for Farmers Vancouver BC

Physiotherapy isn’t just for athletes and those injured in automobile accidents. People from all walks of life benefit from physiotherapy in more ways than most could ever imagine. We’ve made it our mission to communicate this fact, using this very blog to provide useful information for everyone out there. And we really go the extra mile to make it relatable. We’ve discussed the benefits of physiotherapy for construction workers, fishers, grocery store workers, and every profession beyond and between. Today we want to discuss the advantages of physical therapy for farmers. There are nearly 3000 operational farms in the Metro Vancouver BC area, and each of them employ a large number of people on the property. They (and you) tend to crops, livestock, and general upkeep/maintenance of the property. It’s a laborious life that puts some hard miles on the mind, body, and soul. It’s the one in the middle that we’re here for. Let’s review.

Why Farmers Should See a Physiotherapist on a Regular Basis

Effective Treatment and Therapy for Common Farming Related Injuries

Farmers and farm workers face a number of farmland threats that may come from exposure to sharp objects, electrical wiring, pesticide chemicals, and extreme heat sources. Injuries sustained from those are beyond the scope of physical therapy, with treatment being relegated to traditional physicians. However, there are very significant acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries that come from farming duties, interactions with livestock, and use of agricultural machinery. These include (but are not exclusive to) the following:

  • Lower and upper back strain and pain
  • Neck and shoulder strain and pain
  • Elbow/wrist/hand strain and pain
  • Fractures from overturned agricultural machinery


With respect to musculoskeletal concerns, data shows that lower back problems lead the way at over 33%, followed by neck/shoulder pain at just under 31%, and of elbow/wrist/hand pain at nearly 22%. If you’re a farm worker, there’s a VERY high probability that you’re currently living with one of these musculoskeletal conditions, possibly all of them. Physiotherapy services will help correct these injuries. Further, those involved in gardening level tasks on the farm typically have some smaller repetitive-use injuries to content with, including rotator cuff pain and hand/wrist pain among others. Physiotherapy can assist with these gardening-related injuries too.

It’s important to note that physiotherapy takes a holistic approach to treatment and prevention for those employed in the field of agriculture. No injury is the same, and no farmer is the same, so no recovery and prevention program is the same. We will address your existing and underlying injuries, but we also take into account your unique goals. We will ask questions about what your regular duties are, but will also inquire about your preferred activities outside of your valued profession, be it horseback riding (for leisure), golf, swimming, and so forth. In doing so, we will make sure that your body is healed and better prepared to manage farm-work and leisure all the same.

Of course, not all physiotherapy clinics are created equally. To account for what we just mentioned above, you require a full service clinic that offers access to chiropracticmassagetrigger pointacupuncture and IMS, and other therapies that will treat and prevent farming injuries.

You have helped feed an entire province (and beyond) for decades. In being so busy tending to crops and livestock, your own physical condition has become an afterthought. It’s time to take care of YOU. Book your first consultation today by calling the number below.

Metro Vancouver BC Farmers and Farm Workers

Call 604.558.2273