Physiotherapy for Uber/Lyft Drivers in Vancouver BC

Physical Therapy for Uber Drivers Vancouver BC

The proliferation of ride-hailing services in Vancouver BC has opened up the entrepreneurial doors to pretty much anyone with a valid BC driver’s license. Some residents use it to supplement their income, others have turned it into a full-time gig. Whatever the case may be, drivers who opt-in to the Uber or Lyft platform are spending a LOT more time behind the wheel. As a result, the risk of motor-vehicle related injuries has skyrocketed. Subsequently, physical therapy has become more important than ever before. If you’re an Uber or Lyft driver in the BC Lower Mainland, here’s why you should pull over at Absolute PhysioCare in Burnaby BC before you accept your next ride.

Why Ride-Hailing Drivers in Vancouver Turn to Absolute PhysioCare for Injury Prevention and Repair

We Repair Injuries Common to Uber/Lyft Drivers

Uber drivers experience a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDSs). One important study finds that approximately over 34 percent of ride-hailing drivers report chronic lower back pain which occurs as you sit in a prone position and is compounded by whole-body vibration received from the vehicle and road. An additional 11+ percent report living with neck pain. From there the existing ailments span between acute injuries sustained from an MVA to additional chronic ailments such as driving-caused carpal tunnel syndrome.

In-clinic chiropractic treatment along with dedicated physiotherapy interventions will put you on the road to recovery.

We Help Prevent Injuries Common to Uber/Lyft Drivers

Your Absolute PhysioCare specialist will provide you with a comprehensive physical assessment that will help identify underlying musculoskeletal concerns and your current body function, even if there is no immediately evident (to you) pain or discomfort. Your therapist will address items such as movement, strength, sensation, balance, and even your ability to get in and out of the vehicle. In doing so, they will identify areas that require treatment and therapy, and may even assist in recommending modifications of how you should position yourself within a seat before driving. By receiving this assessment, and incorporating prescribed therapy to correct areas of concern, you will find that you will be much more comfortable behind the wheel.

We Offer Direct Billing Physiotherapy

Injury repair and prevention are paramount, but at the end of the day the bottom line matters quite a bit. Fret not, because as long as you abide by up to date ICBC ride-hailing insurance and licensing requirements you’ll be able to take full advantage of our ICBC chiropractic treatments. Absolute PhysioCare chiropractors are registered with ICBC which means there are NO FEES CHARGED with valid ICBC claims, even if you are at fault. Our office will direct bill ICBC on your behalf so you do not have to pay out of pocket. View more. In addition, if you have private coverage you may also qualify for direct billing. In BC, Uber/Lyft maintains commercial auto insurance on your behalf as well, so we encourage you to contact Uber/Lyft Canada support to find out if they offer coverage for ongoing physiotherapy.

Make sure that you can continue to earn significant income as an Uber/Lyft driver by avoiding injuries that can keep you off of the road. Schedule a consultation at our Burnaby clinic and experience the Absolute difference, today.

Call 604.558.2273