Physiotherapy in the News | December 2022

Physiotherapy in the News

The Holiday season of 2022 is nearing its conclusion. That means it’s time for a look back at the most recent four weeks to see what’s new in the world of physiotherapy as it pertains to YOU. Is there anything that you, your household, and extended family/friends need to know about? Let’s review!

Top Stories from December of 2022 Regarding Physiotherapy You Need to Know About

Extreme Winter Conditions Shine a Light on the Need for Seasonal Physio

Record low temperatures and record high snowfall occurred throughout the province, including here in Burnaby BC. As you know, harsh winter weather and chronic pain along with acute injuries go hand in hand. Acute injuries, in particular, were on the rise in Greater Vancouver BC this month, as instances of slip and falls along with motor vehicle accidents rose with low temps and increased ice and snow. The season is just beginning in our neck of the woods, so to prepare, please read this guide to common winter injuries and another article on why regular physiotherapy is especially important in the winter.

Airport Shutdowns Easier for Those Who Regularly Participate in Physio?

Airport shutdowns in Vancouver and the rest of the province may very well be the top story of December for a wide variety of industries. Why does physiotherapy also make the cut? It’s simple, really. Thousands of stranded passengers had to sit on airport runway tarmacs, nap on uncomfortable terminal benches, and stand for hours on end in crowded baggage claim spaces. Those who made physiotherapy a part of their regular health and wellness regime likely experienced a lot less pain and discomfort throughout the ordeal, when compared against those who did not (all else equal). Think we’re exaggerating? It’s a fact that there are a number of physical health concerns connected to air travel that physiotherapy can help alleviate. Read this guide on physiotherapy for frequent flyers.

Physiotherapy Helps Young Meningitis Sufferer Walk Again

We conclude this “physiotherapy in the news” update for December with one story that shows the direct relationship between physiotherapy and successful recovery from a number of conditions. Meningitis is one such condition. Yesterday, a story was published in the UK about an 8year-old boy who became paralyzed after contracting bacterial meningitis a year ago. Fast forward 12-months to find that after a year of intensive physiotherapy, the brave (and determined) child is walking once again and ready to return to school. You can read more about this story here, but we also want to draw attention to how physiotherapy can be employed to treat a large number of ailments that people may not have ever considered. If you or a loved one has experienced anything that limits mobility, consult with a physiotherapist today. Recovery could be a phone call away.

If any of the above stories connect with you, and you are wondering if physiotherapy can improve your own quality of life, contact Absolute PhysioCare to schedule a consultation.