Physiotherapy in the News | December 2023

Physiotherapy in the News

We’re in the middle of the Holiday season of 2023. While you’re putting your body through the motions of last-minute Christmas shopping and watching ELF over and over again, we encourage you to take a moment to check out our monthly news update from the world of physiotherapy. What’s new this December that individuals and households should know about as it pertains to musculoskeletal health? Let’s review!

Top Stories from December of 2023 Regarding Physiotherapy You Need to Know About

Salty Seniors Seek Physiotherapy for Seasonal Headache Relief

By “salty” we’re not referring to the adjective often used to describe grumpy older members of the population. Instead, it’s used in reference to identify recent news coming from the SaltWire on the eastern coast of Canada. This week, the Nova Scotian media publisher released an article about the benefits of physiotherapy for seniors – or anyone for that matter – who suffer from chronic headaches through the at-times stressful Holiday season.

Our own Burnaby clinic has become very well-known in the region for physiotherapy interventions to treat chronic headaches and migraines. If you live in the Greater Vancouver BC area and suffer the same at any time of the year, be sure to read this and contact us to schedule a consultation.

Early Intervention Physiotherapy Key to Easing Hospital Bottleneck

If you or a loved one has had to visit a hospital in Greater Vancouver BC, or anywhere across Canada, then you understand the pain. The wait times, be it for ER admissions or scheduled surgeries, are incomprehensible. Hospital waiting rooms and waitlists are flooded with people who are in pain and need of assistance. In many cases their pain and discomfort can be alleviated by early intervention physiotherapy – if only the service was more readily available on or near the premises.

This week, this news resource reported that healthcare workers are ready for physiotherapists to help take the reims to ease the bottleneck of patients who simply can’t get quick and efficient access to the help they need. The following quote sums the demand and proposed solution up quite well:

“Lack of access to primary care is a constant theme in health-care discussions. Family physicians and nurse practitioners are overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the tasks they face, and many are retiring from practice. Various strategies are being proposed to address these problems – problems that will certainly require multiple solutions. One strategy increasingly being recognized is direct access to interprofessional members of primary care teams. Timely, direct access to physiotherapy, for instance, has demonstrated significant reductions in pain and improved function for patients while reducing the number of primary care physician appointments related to pain.”

Let this be another call of action, pointed at provincial and federal bodies, to pave the way for physiotherapy to be better integrated into the healthcare system to the benefit of patients, and struggling healthcare workers alike.

Stay tuned for the new year as we monitor news from around the world that may apply to your own health and wellness program.


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