Physiotherapy in the News | June 2023

Physiotherapy News

Summer of 2023 is upon us. While households (your’s included) throughout Burnaby and Greater Vancouver BC are busy planning their summer vacations we encourage you to pause and have a look at some recent news from the world of physiotherapy. Why? Because within are anecdotes that you may apply to your own health and wellness for the season ahead. Let’s review!

Top Stories from June of 2023 Regarding Physiotherapy You Need to Know About

Random Pop Star Neglects Physiotherapy, Misses Tour Dates

Please forgive the “random” in our description of Zamani Slam, but we’re not exactly on top of the Malaysian pop rock scene. How did he come across our (now your) periphery? It came up on YAHOO! Life news, which recently reported that the the singer would have to miss a number of tour dates and obligations specifically because he didn’t follow through on his physiotherapy:

“The singer, who spoke about his health following his previous surgery that he underwent to treat his scoliosis condition, stated that he only had gone to his physiotherapy sessions for a month and a half before he stopped doing so due to his hectic schedule.”

Take a lesson from Zamani Slam folks, don’t ever stop physiotherapy for injury repair or post-surgery care until you’ve been given the “thumbs up” from your therapist. You could compromise your overseas celebrity status.


Legislation Seeks to Maintain Virtual Access to Physical Therapy in Post-Pandemic World

A number of evolutions have stuck around after the head of the UN’s WHO declared an end to the “emergency” status of COVID. It not being cool to sneeze in someone’s face and the ability to work remotely part-time are among them. Another benefit that most want to see stick around, is access to online physical therapy. Pandemic or no pandemic, not everyone is able to make it into a clinic on a weekly basis. As COVID fades away, US representatives are reintroducing legislation to sustain virtual access to physiotherapy services under Medicare. This move is indicative of the fact that online physiotherapy remains to be an important part of health and wellness plans for households who may not be able to visit a clinic as much as they like. If you reside in the Greater Vancouver BC area, you can still access virtual services here.

Physical Therapy Can Improve a Patient’s Mental Health Too

We love to pluck physiotherapy news stories from “any town” USA or Canada as they are relatable and tend to appeal to the average household. One recent story emerged from West Virginia that speaks to the indirect (but no less important) benefits of physiotherapy, which includes mental health support:

As our therapists are working with them to gain their strength back, they are also listening to their concerns and fears […] As the patient progresses in their therapy and accomplishes their individual goals, they start to see they can do things they were afraid they would never do again.”

View more on how physiotherapy can improve mental health.



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