Physiotherapy in the News | September 2023

Physiotherapy News

September represents a time of reflection for many people. The playful season of summer has come to a conclusion and we collectively eye the final months of the annum. Thoughts about health and wellness are at the forefront, which makes it an ideal time to consider physiotherapy. On that note, we draw upon events that have occurred around the world that relate to the discipline so that you better understand the role it may play in your life not just for the remainder of 2023, but for the rest of your days. Let’s review!

Top Stories from September of 2023 Regarding Physiotherapy You Need to Know About

Physiotherapy Critical to Treating Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a condition in which a person’s immune system attacks the peripheral nerves. Symptoms initially manifest as weakness and tingling in the feet and legs that spread to the upper body and may lead to paralysis if there is no medical intervention. GBS is generally triggered by an acute bacterial or viral infection and can affect people of all ages although it is more common in adult males.

Given the fact that GBS attacks the peripheral nerves, it’s logical to assume that physiotherapy interventions are instrumental in treatment and full recovery. A recent study that was published this month of September 2023 has validated this assertion:

“According to the findings of our study, neurophysiotherapy rehabilitation results in favorable outcomes, shortens the length of the patients’ hospital stays, and enables them to return to their jobs. Further evidence from the trial supports the proposed physiotherapy protocol’s value in treating acute GBS cases […] It also concludes that starting an early rehabilitation program plays a very important role and can be very effective in GBS patients, as it will make them functionally independent and also improve their quality of life.”

Once again we find a shining example of how physiotherapy can be employed to treat a wide variety of both chronic and acute ailments.

Physio to Help Prevent Arthritis??

It is already well known that physiotherapy can be effective in treating arthritis. Interventions such as k-taping can be helpful in managing the condition, while physio-clinic prescribed acupuncture and IMS among other treatments can help depending upon how mild to severe your symptoms are. However, a World Physiotherapy Day (September 8) report states that regular physiotherapy may be able to indirectly stave-off arthritis through customized exercises and lifestyle changes that include the prevention of injuries, the treatment of injuries (which can lead to future arthritis), and early management of symptoms like joint swelling. When you look at it that way, it just makes great sense.

Stay tuned each month as we monitor physiotherapy news from around the world that may apply to your own health and wellness program.


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