5 Signs it’s Time to See a Chiropractor

Signs to See a Chiropractor

There are certain things that your vehicle does to indicate that it’s time for a tune-up. You don’t put that off because you don’t want to be left stranded on the side of the road somewhere. You also realize that ignoring the small stuff can lead to bigger problems and a much bigger bill from the mechanic if you don’t attend to them right away. Do you see where we’re going with this? It’s an analogy about your body, namely your spine, muscles, joints and nervous system – all of which a chiropractor works on. In continuing with the analogy, we encourage you to watch out for functional impediments that currently impact your daily activities and quality of life. You don’t need to understand the musculoskeletal science to determine whether or not it’s time to take action. You don’t need to go online (well, aside from here) to self-diagnose pain or discomfort. Instead, you just need to identify the signs that you need to see a chiropractor. Below is a very practical and jargon-free look at exactly that. Let’s get to it.

Five Practical Signs It’s Time to Book an Immediate Appointment with a Chiropractor Near You

You Can’t Turn Your Head When Driving

Given that we used a vehicle as an analogy for your body above, there’s no better place to start than with a key performance indicator that something is wrong with your musculoskeletal system – driving. If you have difficulty turning your head to check for blind spots or even turn a corner then you need to pull over, park, and book an appointment. View more on how chiropractic treatment will make you a better (i.e. safer) driver.

You Have Constant Headaches

Tylenol, Advil, and peace-and-quiet not cutting it? Then the thing that is causing your headache is much deeper than noise and daily stress. A significant number of people who suffer from chronic headaches and migraines are actually suffering from a compromised musculoskeletal system. If so, the only sustainable remedy is to see a chiropractor.

Getting Out of Bed Sucks

You’re supposed to wake from your slumber feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the world. If instead, you hesitate and give thought to how you’re going to lift your head from your pillow and slide your body off the mattress to avoid cramping and feeling pinches and pains – then you know what to do. Call a chiropractor.

You Can’t Do What You Want to do at the Gym

Have you pledged to get in shape, but have had that resolution sidelined time and time again because you can’t do what you need to do in the gym (or track, field, etc.)? If you find yourself in-fear of placing your hands on dumbbells, barbells, and cable grips because you know that you’ll feel a crick in the neck then forget the fitness trainer (for now) and connect to a chiropractor instead.

Chairs Have Become Your Enemy

A chair should be a beacon of relaxation, shouldn’t it? Not when you have a compromised musculoskeletal system. If you can’t sit for extended periods of time (even an hour) without having to constantly adjust your position to avoid lower back pain and discomfort then you have a clear sign to see a chiropractor. Follow it.

If any of the above sounds familiar, it’s time to see a chiropractor. If you live in the Greater Vancouver BC area, schedule a consultation at our Burnaby clinic today.