When to Switch Physiotherapists

Switching Physical Therapists Vancouver BC

There comes a time when people and households consider a change of their doctor, dentist, or other healthcare practitioner. Physiotherapy is no different in this sense. Over time (or even right away) you may decide that the “relationship” isn’t working. In some cases the need to switch is due to an issue that is endemic to a given clinic. In other cases the office simply isn’t suited to your specific goals and needs. Whatever the case may be, you’re on the fence about whether or not it’s time for you to move on. Below is a breakdown of criteria to look out for which may help in your deliberation. Let’s review.

5 Signs That It’s Time to Change Your Physical Therapist to One That’s Better Suited to Your Needs

They Walk Away from You

Or more specifically, they put you on a machine and walk-away to attend to other things (other patients included) while you sit there strapped to an electrical impulse machine. Unfortunately, this is one of the most common complaints that we hear from new patients who have decided to switch physical therapists and come to our clinic instead. If this sounds familiar, it’s time for you to walk away from them. View more about this common concern.

You’re Bouncing Around Between Clinics

Your collective ailments, injuries, and physical maladies may require you to see a variety of specialists. On one day your scheduled to visit a chiropractor near you, the next a massage therapist, followed by an acupuncturist trained in TCM. Then on Thursdays you’re off to your women’s health clinic. So on and so forth. Bouncing around between clinics and their respective specialists is exhausting. Instead, switch to a physiotherapy clinic that offers all of the services that YOU need, in-house.

It’s Simply Too Hard to Get To

This is the most practical sign that switching physical therapists is a good idea. If you’re spending more time traveling to get to the clinic than you are getting the help you need, then you should look for one that’s easier to get to. In the Greater Vancouver area, that may mean you should choose a clinic that is conveniently located near a Skytrain station and other public transit.

It’s Too Disruptive

This carries over from the item above. While the clinic may not be too hard to get to, regular visits may get in the way of the day to day errands and “things to do”. For this reason, we suggest choosing a clinic that is located near a shopping, dining, and entertainment center so that you can check those to-dos off of your list before/after your physio visit.

It’s Not Working

Last but not least is the most important consideration. If a month or more has passed and you’re not seeing any improvement in the mitigation of pain and/or lack of mobility, something is amiss. If so, it’s time to switch.

Are you ready to make a change? If located in the Greater Vancouver area, schedule a consultation at our Burnaby clinic and experience the Absolute difference, today.

Call 604.558.2273