Why is Physiotherapy so Expensive? Myth vs Reality

Why is Physiotherapy so Expensive

There’s one potential concern that was not addressed in this list of common myths about physiotherapy. It’s born from the frequently asked question “Why is physiotherapy so expensive?”. We know that the query is relative to someone’s income status and/or lack of clarity on the matter. Seeing as we can’t help with the former (or can we?) we can tackle the latter with a succinct look at how physiotherapy may be more affordable for you after all.

A Quick Look at Why Physiotherapy is More Affordable Than You May Think

It Literally Costs You More to Live with an Injury

Don’t worry, we’re not making some statement about how physio improves your quality of life and that sort of thing is priceless. While it’s true, you’re concerned about the financial bottom line, no bones about it. Data proves that there is a direct correlation between living with chronic pain and time missed at work, be you a salaried employee or business owner. Collectively this costs Canadians billions of dollars each year. For you, it equates thousands of dollars lost per annum when you add up lost wages and lost opportunities for growth and advancement. The rates for physiotherapy are far lower in a tangible comparison.

It May Not Cost You a Penny Out of Pocket

Did you know that you may not have to pay for physiotherapy at all? That’s right, for you it could be FREE.

This may be the case if you have extended coverage through your business, employer, or privately purchased plan. Your plan may allow a clinic to direct bill your insurance provider. Alternatively (or in addition to) BC residents with ICBC AutoPlan may qualify for treatment and therapy under ICBC’s new care-based model. This new model offers qualified residents with access to a greater number of injury repair options (not just chiropractic) that a physiotherapist can directly bill ICBC for. Unfortunately, thousands of people per year miss out because they didn’t think to ask their insurance provider if physiotherapy is included in their plan. Even ICBC reps may neglect to tell you.

Whether you have private coverage or are injured due to a motor-vehicle accident and are owed by ICBC, you have affordable options. Even better, is that new health insurance programs are being added to our direct billing physiotherapy service by the year. If you don’t see it listed here, it may still be available. If located in the Greater Vancouver BC area you simply need to pick up the phone to call and ask, You may be able to receive cost-effective treatment and therapy today!

Call 604.558.2273