Who to See After an Automobile Accident

After a record breaking (in a bad way) five-year run of reported automobile accidents in BC, ICBC’s no fault insurance program could not have arrived at a better time. But before we provide a refresher on the program, we want to directly address a question that Greater Vancouver residents are asking – who to see […]
Getting Help After an Automobile Accident

The 5-year year average for motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) reported to ICBC in British Columbia is 822 per day. The all-time high was just a few short years ago, with ICBC logging a mind blowing total of 960 MVAs a day. That’s nearly 1000 accidents within every 24-hour period! Not surprisingly, the Lower Mainland accounts […]
How to Choose a Physiotherapist for ICBC Claim

Checklist of what to look for when choosing a physiotherapist for your ICBC claim, courtesy of Burnaby PhysioCare in Burnaby, Greater Vancouver BC.
New ICBC Care Based Model – Physiotherapy Benefits Reviewed

As you may know, ICBC recently announced a major change to the system, transitioning it to a care based model which intends to dig them out of the fiscal hole that they’ve dug for themselves over the years. There is more to it than their own money management as driver premiums will be reduced significantly, but […]
ICBC’s New Care Based Model a Win for Your Physiotherapy

February 2020 will be considered a landmark period for BC residents as ICBC announced its new no-fault, care-based automobile insurance system. Lawyers and law firms aren’t happy about it, as the new model essentially removes them (and their inflated legal costs) from the equation to effectively reduce rates and more importantly (and subsequently) increase care benefits. This is […]
Why You Need Physiotherapy After a Car Accident

ICBC reports that there were an average of 960 motor vehicle accidents (MVA) per day in BC over the most recent year. With the more densely populated Greater Vancouver area accounting for the greatest number of drivers, our region’s contribution to that staggering number is beyond significant. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you have recently […]
February’s Fantastic Five reasons to visit a Chiropractor
Five Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor 1) Motor vehicle accident Getting into a car accident can often be a stressful event especially if a friend or loved one is involved and may become injured. For patient ease, Chiropractic treatment is covered by ICBC, no out of pocket expenses and no medical doctor note is required […]
Got Headaches? Chiropractic can help
Headaches & Chiropractic Treatment Suffer from headaches? You are not alone, 65-75% of people in Canada will experience a headache sometime in their lifetime (Manzoni & Stovener, 2010). Some will be occasional, some frequent, some dull and achy and sharp and stabbing resulting in debilitating pain. With over 200 sub- types of diagnosed headaches the […]
Motor vehicle accidents and whiplash: How Chiropractic can help
Motor Vehicle Accidents & Whiplash, Chiropractic Therapy Getting into a car accident can often be a stressful event especially if a friend or loved one is involved and may become injured. The most common injury sustained in a car accident is whiplash or a whiplash associated disorder (WAD). In fact, according to ICBC 65% of […]