New Look, New You

If you’ve been following Absolute PhysioCare over the years, then you will have noticed something new as you returned to our blog in the back half of the summer – a new website. While improving the overall aesthetic was certainly a benefit of the update, this was not the primary motivator. Instead, we wanted to […]

Physiotherapy for Pianists

Physiotherapy for Pianists

Why pianists should make physiotherapy a part of their health and wellness regime, courtesy of Absolute PhysioCare in Burnaby, Greater Vancouver BC.

Physiotherapy for Essential Workers


The word “essential” has been thrust to the forefront of workforce designations in 2020-21. Within our own industry there has been a perceptive shift from “alternative” to what many consider to be a critical practice for public health and wellness. ICBC certainly agrees, as evidenced by the shift to a care based model. This consideration […]

Physical Therapy for Grocery Store Staff


The events of 2020-21 thrust yet another profession to the forefront – grocery store workers. But even when COVID has been kicked to the curb there are a number of threats to the physical wellness of those working within this particular retail environment. Thankfully most of these can be addressed through physical therapy. Why Grocery […]

Why See a Physiotherapist Before Doing Your Outdoor Workouts

why see a physiotherapist

Last week we provided readers with an article on why to see a physiotherapist before beginning the new year in the gym. But some of you plan to fulfill your resolution to get in better shape by working out in the great outdoors. While this is certainly a great idea, it is also highly recommended […]

How Physiotherapy Can Make Your Christmas More Merry

We’re in the middle of the Holiday season. While it’s an exciting time of the year it can also be very hectic, which is why you’ll take help wherever you can find it. You’ve come to the right place. How can physiotherapy make a positive difference? Let’s find out. 3 Practical Ways Physiotherapy Can Make […]

Dairy and Chronic Pain

Dairy and Chronic Pain

How dairy consumption may increase chronic pain and disrupt physiotherapy progress, courtesy of Absolute PhysioCare in Burnaby, Greater Vancouver BC.