Injured on Vacation in Vancouver? Come See Us!

Injured on Vacation in Vancouver Burnaby BC

Getting injured on vacation is the worst. It can sideline all of the plans that you had with friends and family, leaving you with feelings of FOMO as everyone else gets back to whatever it is you all came into town to do. After all, why should they suffer because you sprained an ankle or threw your back out while attempting to limbo by the resort pool? That being said, you needn’t resign to sitting poolside drowning your sorrows with mai-tais (although that doesn’t sound too bad) or staying in to watch Friends reruns on the hotel TV. Instead, we encourage you to see a physiotherapist right away. Read ahead to find out how it can help save your vacation.

3 Reasons Why a Visit to a Physiotherapist When Injured on Vacation Can Save Your Holiday

Can “Immediately” Fix Certain Injuries

In some cases, such as a dislocation, a visit to a physiotherapy clinic with a chiropractor on staff can fix the problem right away. A shoulder, rib cage, disc, and so forth can be popped right back into place by a professional. Sure they may be some legacy discomfort and sensitivity for a day or two, but it will be inconsequential when compared to living with the issue through the rest of your trip without getting it checked out.

Helps with Effective Pain Management

In most cases, an injury sustained on vacation will not be a dislocation and cannot be rectified in one adjustment. However, it is still important to see a physiotherapist right away for any musculoskeletal injury, whether you got hit by surfboard in the ribs or hurt your elbow while playing tennis or pickleball on a resort court. A physiotherapist can assist with pain management after assessing the focal point of the injury and prescribing a regime of exercises and movements that will help ease the pain (along with Ibuprofen). Furthermore, a physiotherapist can identify movements that will cause you pain and discomfort and provide guidance for how to proceed with vacation activities, be it a walk through the woods or even something simple as sleeping in a hotel bed.

Provides Peace of Mind

It happens all of the time. Someone is injured on vacation, and in a refusal to cave to the pain and discomfort they continue to do as much as they can do so as to not waste the remainder of their trip. However, in doing so, they could end up aggravating the injury even more, which can result in a longer healing process and may even lead to semi-permanent or permanent damage to muscles, ligaments, and/or tendons. By seeing a physiotherapist right away while on vacation, you will receive the above mentioned guidance which will help you avoid aggravating your injury. This provides peace of mind that you will eventually return home to complete your recovery as quickly and effectively as possible.


You’ll be pleased to know that Absolute PhysioCare accepts same-day appointment and walk-ins (schedules allowing). Furthermore, we are located conveniently close to major public transit so that you can get to our clinic in under 45-minutes from downtown Vancouver and many other tourist hotspots in the area. Click below to book your quick appointment, and save your vacation!