Physiotherapy for Relationships (Couples)

Physiotherapy for Relationships

Couples who love one another continue to look for ways to better connect. This is especially true during trying times, when it feels as if something is getting in the way of happiness together. Traditionally, some may have sought the services of a couples therapist, which can most certainly be beneficial. However, over the recent decade, you may have heard that physiotherapy can also assist in forming a deeper connection between partners. Can this be true? Does physiotherapy for relationships actually make sense? Absolutely! Here’s how.

3 Ways Regular Physiotherapy Can Enhance the Relationship Between You and Your Companion

Physiotherapy for Better Sex

The application of physiotherapy to set the table for better sex has been in the news quite a bit of late. The reason for this, is steeped in the fact that physio can treat a variety of sexual dysfunctions that could be ruining intimacy between you and your beloved. These dysfunctions include a compromised pelvic floor and other causes of pain during sex for women. Physiotherapy can also assist with erectile dysfunction. Learn more about how physiotherapy can improve your sex life and allow us to share one of our favorite physiotherapy memes to hammer this point home:

Physiotherapy Memes - Pelvic Floor

Optimal Physical Health Promotes Better Quality of Life as a Couple

If one (or both) of you is living with an injury and subsequent chronic pain, you’re not able to enjoy a number of activities as a couple. And a couple that plays together, stays together. To ensure that you can enjoy sunny afternoon jogs, hikes, bike rides, games of tennis, pickleball or whatever else floats your boat-for-two, address any existing injuries so that you’re both pain and discomfort free. Without a physical ailment to complain about, you’ll be much happier together. Trust us on this one!

Improved Mental Health Helps Companion Connection

You know the expression “You can’t love someone if you don’t love yourself”. It’s true in a sense, because if your mental health is compromised by anxiety, stress, and forms of depression, you will have a tough time connecting to your partner. While behavioral health therapy is typically the first line of defense, we encourage you (or your partner) to consider physiotherapy as a supplement to behavioral health treatment. In attaining the benefits of physiotherapy for mental health, you will be in a better state of mind to connect with your companion.



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